How To Turn Web Leads Into Homebuyers

Persistence and Patience Are Key

Do you know how many touch points it takes to make an appointment with a web lead? According to Salesforce, the world’s largest CRM software company, it takes an average of 6-8 touch-points to make an appointment with a new lead.Touch points include emails, phone calls, texts, messages, etc. A touch point is  anything a salesperson does to contact a lead. And if 6-8 is the average, that means that there are plenty of sales occurring that required MORE than 8 touch points to get an appointment.

Seem like a lot? Are all your sales happening with just one or two? If so, that doesn’t mean you’re operating efficiently – it means that you’re missing out on business. If you go from 1-2 contact attempts per lead to 8+, you will see a DRAMATIC increase in sales.

Remember…web leads asked you to contact them. Don’t let them down! Being the good salesperson that you are, you need to do everything in your power to meet that request, even if it means trying to contact that web lead many, many times.

Not sure how to make all the contacts? Or what to say? Don’t worry – I’ve got you covered. Follow the contact steps I have below, and I guarantee you’ll close more deals. Don’t settle for the low hanging fruit that make a purchase after a couple calls – work hard to get all the fruit and watch your business thrive.

Step 1: First Contact

JK Rowling said that “A first impression can work wonders…”, and this is certainly true in manufactured housing sales. First contact is the most important step in the sales cycle, and you only get one shot at it. So make it valuable and memorable to the lead.

When you receive a web lead, that lead needs to be contacted immediately – within minutes. In fact, a 2019 study found that following up with online leads in less than 5 minutes makes them nine times more likely to convert into paying customers. (Source: Ziff Davis) Of course, you’ll want to have a little bit of discretion here. Don’t blow up someone’s phone at 3 am on a Sunday morning. But if a lead comes in during business hours, they need to be contacted within 5 minutes.

I know what you’re thinking: “I run a busy dealership. I don’t have time or the resources to call every Tom, Dick, or Harry that sends in their info.” You don’t have to call the lead, you have to contact them. Contact could also mean an email, or better yet, a text message. A text message is the best method to use for contacting a web lead for the first time. In fact, you can use software that will do that for you. (Bild Media can help set that up too 😎)

Email is another option, and it can be automated as well, but it gets a much lower open rate. Text messages typically have an over 95% open rate, while you’d be lucky to get 20% with email. Text messages are simply a better option for first contact than email.

Step 2 – Contacts 2-10

Uh oh…that text message didn’t work to get that first appointment? Don’t worry, you’ve still got at least ten more shots are it. Here’s a schedule for the remaining contact attempts to help you get more sales.

Day 1

You should have already sent them a text message for the first contact. If that is not successful in scheduling an appointment, send the lead an email 15 minutes after that first text message. It can include specials, your home inventory, or something similar. An hour after the email goes out, give the lead a call. Reference the email and test message in that call. Show the lead that you know what’s going on, and you’re working hard to contact them.

Day 3

No luck on Day 1? Don’t give up yet! This is where most sales people quit trying, call the lead “cold”, and go back to playing wordle or candy crush on their phone. But you’re not going to. On day 3, call the lead again. If they don’t answer, send another text.

Day 4

If the lead has not responded to any text messages, emails, or voicemails, call them again today. Leave a bit longer voicemail, and try to entice them with more info. Maybe you’ve got a new model, a special, or some sort of promo going on – anything to make pique their interest a bit.

Day 7

Still nothing? Send the lead another text. In that text, include a link to your favorite home on the lot. Say something interesting about it to get them to click on the link and re-engage with the website. Try to make it somewhat personal to make the lead realize that there’s a real person behind these text messages, phone calls, and emails.

Day 10

It’s now been a week and a half since you got that web lead email, and 90% of sales people would have given up by now. But that’s not you, is it? Call them again, and send another email. Tell them you’re working hard to contact them because you really think you’ve got the perfect house for them.

Day 14

2 weeks out…call them again, and if they don’t answer, send a text message.

Day 21

Still nothing? It’s been 3 weeks, so you might as well keep going. 99% of sales people don’t make it this far. Call them today, and send an email. Put something silly in the subject line. Do something to get their attention.

Day 30

It’s been a month. Call, text, and email the lead one more time. Tell them you’re going to add them to your email list, and you’ll be here when they’re ready. Everyone has to have somewhere to live, and they’ll need to purchase a home eventually. They’ll be back.

Step 3 – Long Term Nurture Campaign

This is where the web leads go when there’s been no response after 30 days of contact attempts. This stage does not end. This is the email campaign that you have continuously running that includes promos, specials, sales, and helpful home owner information. The emails go out just often enough to NOT be irritating, and they contain enough value that the reader doesn’t see them as spam.